Ice and Sauna
Follow the Ice and Sauna schedule for your Alternating Diet and Fitness development and recovery. You want the body to break down during the workout, repair after the workout, and reduce inflammation after repair. The sauna stimulates nutrient rich circulation and a finish for the week after your Friday workout. Icing helps the body reduce inflammation and recover. Alternating Diet and Fitness recommends either relaxing the day prior to a performance event or having an extremely light workout. Ice the entire body in an ice bath or with ice pads the evening prior to a performance event and the morning of a performance event.
Ice Schedule
Ice Schedule
Performance Event
Sauna Schedule
Icing for approximately 3-5 minutes will reduce inflammation, improve recovery, and prepare your body for superior workouts. Our goal is to give each exercised body part after exercise at approximately 48 hours before icing. After a workout your muscles are damaged and need nutrients to rebuild bigger and stronger than they were before. Nutrients flow to your muscles through inflammation and increased blood flow. Ice and anti-inflammatories stop or slow this process. Follow the Alternating Fitness system. This ice routine will prepare your body for the upcoming workouts. You will feel a better pump after icing.
After your last workout on Friday, Alternating Diet and Fitness recommends a Sauna treatment for approximately 20 minutes. This will increase blood flow and blood vessel dilatation. You will not work out Saturday and Sunday. Ice on Sunday evening.