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Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting is valuable because it reduces caloric intake, implements autophagy, improves metabolic flexibility, and prevents dietary stagnation.

Caloric Reduction

The best time to fast is in the opinion of Alternating Diet and Fitness is in the morning because you are not eating during sleep. Our goal is to fast for approximately 17 hours (7 pm to 12 pm the next day). Fasting helps reduce the caloric intake that day which is part of our goal and it is not horrible deprivation. Make sure to drink water during the fasting time.  Eliminating a meal in the morning can eliminate approximately 25-30 % of the calories during a total day. Eliminating calories gives us the opportunity to create a low calorie day on our Fast-Low Calorie/Carb day. During Fasting-Cheat Day high calorie foods will be consumed after lunch. Fasting reduces the overall caloric intake that day. Fasting is a strategy, but it is not magic as some so called experts espouse. Too much fasting can cause muscle loss; so, Alternating Diet and Fitness does not recommend 24, 48, and 72 hours of fasting. Muscle produces shape, burns  energy, and creates longevity. We don't want muscle loss. 


Implements Autophagy

Autophagy is the process of the cell cleaning up old damaged substances. This cleansing process is important for the cells to operate at proper capacity and is a great way to improve metabolic flexibility.

Metabolic Flexibility

Carbohydrates are consumed in large amounts in the standard American diet which includes ultra processed food. As a result, many Americans do not have good metabolic flexibility. Metabolic flexibility is the ability of the body to utilize carbohydrates or fat for energy. Those that are metabolic inflexible struggle to use fats for energy and are insulin resistant. Insulin resistance means the insulin is not operating at peak performance in absorbing carbohydrates and taking carbohydrates to the cell. Intermittent fasting improves metabolic flexibility and will improve the fat burning capability of the body because you are giving the body a break from all food. 

Prevents Stagnation

Our bodies have a natural tendency to store fat because of our survival mechanisms as part of our genetic make up. The natural tendency for all creatures is for food to be scarce. The human body is still programmed for food to be scarce; so, it is our predisposition to prepare for scarcity by storing fat. Fat can be broken down for energy when scarcity occurs.  Alternating Diet and Fitness is not a fan of consistent Keto dieting because it is consistent deprivation. Your body adapts and is preparing for scarcity. By consuming the same amount of calories and the same type of calories consistently, the body will become accustomed to that consistent behavior, become stagnant, and store fat.  It is called metabolic adaptation. The Alternating Diet implements change so your body and your mind doesn't become stagnant and store fat. Intermittent fasting is an important part of the strategy. 

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